[1814] - Wordsworth publishes The Excursion
Useful Links and Further Reading
- Oxford Text Archive, ‘The Excursion, William Wordsworth’,
- www.bartleby.com, ‘The Excursion’,
- LibriVox, ‘The Excursion by William Wordsworth’,
- Lisa Hirschfield, ‘Between Memory and History: Wordsworth’s Excursion’, Romanticism on the Net, 16 (1999),
- Sally Bushell, James A. Butler, and Michael C. Jaye, eds, with the assistance of David Garcia, The Excursion by William Wordsworth (Ithaca, NY, 2007)
- Andrew J. Hubbell, ‘Wordsworth’s Excursion in Romantic Philanthropy’, European Romantic Review, 18.1 (2007), 43–68
- Jonathan Farina, ‘“The Mighty Commonwealth of Things”: The Deep Characters of Knowledge in Wordsworth’s The Excursion’, The Wordsworth Circle, 39.1–2 (2008), 11–15
- David Chandler, ‘Barren Rocks and Fertile Fields: The Lake District in The Excursion and The Recluse’, Charles Lamb Bulletin, 149 (2010), 2–17