[1821] - Byron publishes Sardanapalus, The Two Foscari, and Cain
Useful Links and Further Reading
- Lord Byron, ‘Sardanapalus, The Two Foscari, and Cain’,
- Murray Biggs, ed., ‘Byron’s Sardanapalus’, Studies in Romanticism, 31.3 (1992), 279–390
- Gordon Spence, ‘Natural Law and the State in The Two Foscari’, Byron Journal, 29 (2001), 27–35
- Dimitri Karkoulis, ‘“They Pluck’s the Tree of Science / And Sin”: Byron’s Cain and the Science of Sacrilege’, European Romantic Review, 18.2 (2007), 273–81
- Madeleine Callaghan, ‘The Struggle with Language in Byron’s Cain’, Byron Journal, 38.2 (2010), 125–34