[1799] - Wordsworth and his sister move into Dove Cottage, Grasmere

Dove Cottage, Grasmere, home of William and Dorothy Wordsworth, 1799–1809
Useful Links and Further Reading
- Dove Cottage and the Wordsworth Museum, ‘Homepage’,
- Charles Rzepka, ‘De Quincey and the Malay: Dove Cottage Idolatry’, The Wordsworth Circle, 24.3 (1993), 180–5
- Pamela Woof, ‘Dove Cottage in 1800’, The Wordsworth Circle, 31.3 (2000), 133–42
- Polly Atkin, ‘Ghosting Grasmere: The Musealisation of Dove Cottage’, in Literary Tourism and Nineteenth-Century Culture, ed. Nicola J. Watson (Basingstoke, 2009)